A progressive move in our program

Commercial Division

Ask More from

Your Cows

A few years ago— Kate and I decided to make a progressive move in our program. We bought 100 black cows.

Many thought I hit a mid-life crisis, but we knew it was time to challenge our PB operation and experience the commercial industry. We couldn’t just talk about the commercial industry, we needed to live it. We started with a great cowherd and bred them to our calving ease Charolais bulls.

They calved easy and they all had those up and gone type of calves. Then off to the Portage Community Pasture – no creep, just milk and our Charolais genetics. Take a look at the results, truly impressive! The best part is the heifers sell just as good as the steers.

It’s time to use a Steppler Bull, and ask more of your cows.


A third-generation family farm specializing in cattle farming.