production, developement & Preservation


A balanced


Steppler Farms' focus on sustainability is what makes it unique from other farms. Each farm enterprise focuses on conservation but it is the interaction among the farm enterprises’ conservation efforts that provides this unique perspective not found in other farming operations.

Farming is a business and because of that a serious focus is placed on production, efficiency and profits. It is these business dynamics which push many farms away from conservation and sustainability efforts. Within the conservation and sustainability efforts embraced on Steppler Farms, they recognize the monetary value which complements these business dynamics within their farm operations.

The farm embraces a unique perspective which reinforces the importance of a balanced approach between production, development and the preservation of the natural world.



Land management practices continue to focus on crop and pasture production.

The land is improved where needed; technology is brought in to improve efficiency, and breeding efforts are utilized to increase production.
Within their land management practices, conservation type land management strategies are still maintained.

These practices include: conservation tillage/zero tillage, maintenance of riparian water ways, and the preservation of natural aspects of the land scape such as wetlands and ravines. Pastures are managed with paddocks which help focus efforts to improve soil structure, to manage better grass growth and to protect sensitive land types. The pastures are also managed to allow diverse plant growth which provides flowers to pollinators.



This balanced approach between production, development and the preservation of the natural world has provided a huge advantage to the honey farm.

The promotion of sustainable management practices has created a healthy productive apiary. Steppler Farms recognizes these conservation management practices as beneficial.

They place a huge monetary value on those practices from a lucrative revenue stream provided from their healthy honey farm. Ultimately, their focus on conservation and sustainable farming practices also follows through full circle as these proactive agronomic practices complement their overall crop production.



If you visit Steppler Farms you will notice a few certain things. You will notice clean and well managed fields. You will notice a focus on crop production practices and the adoption of all the technologies currently available.

You will notice healthy pastures with healthy cattle walking between the fence lines throughout them. You will notice flowers scattered within the pasture grass growth, trees allowed to stand, water allowed to pond, natural water ways and riparian areas left to exist, sometimes left in its natural state and sometimes managed to promote production.

You will notice diverse flowers of all types throughout the farm grown alongside field edges, waterways, ravines and adjacent ditches. You will notice flowering pollinator strips purposely grown along field edges and within unused wet spots on fields.

If you visit Steppler Farms, you will notice not only the effort put towards progressive crop management but also the countless efforts made to conserve and promote the natural aspect of our farm land. This balanced effort between focused development and the promotion of the natural world that Steppler Farms has capitalized on is what makes Steppler Farms’ perspective different from the rest.

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